Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module1: What is Trauma?

    • 1.1: Addressing the Impact of Trauma in Students, Teachers and Frontline Staff Introduction

    • 1.2: Key Terms and Concepts

    • 1.3: Key Terms and Concepts Quiz

    • 1.4: Dive Deeper

    • 1.5: Social Analysis Critical Consciousness Forum and Co-Collaboration

    • 1.6: Self-Care Break

    • 1.7: Critical Reflection and Research

  • 2

    Module 2: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on the Brain and Relationships

    • 2.1: Key Terms and Concepts

    • 2.2: Key Terms and Concepts Quiz

    • 2.3: Dive Deeper

    • 2.4: Social Analysis Critical Consciousness Forum and Co-Collaboration

    • 2.5: Self -Care Break

    • 2.6: Critical Reflection and Research

  • 3

    Module 3: Foundations of Trauma Informed Instruction and Care

    • 3.1: Key Terms and Concepts

    • 3.2: Key Terms and Concepts Quiz

    • 3.3: Dive Deeper

    • 3.4: Social Analysis Critical Consciousness Forum and Co-Collaboration

    • 3.5: Self-Care Break

    • 3.6: Critical Reflection and Research

  • 4

    Module 4: Strategies to Cultivate Resilience and Healing

    • 4.1: Key Terms and Concepts

    • 4.2: Key Terms and Concepts Quiz

    • 4.3: Dive Deeper

    • 4.4: Social Analysis Critical Consciousness Forum and Co-Collaboration

    • 4.5: Resilience Activities for You

    • 4.6: Critical Reflection and Research

  • 5

    Module 5: Implementing Your Resilience and Healing Plan

    • 5.1: Module 5 Introduction and Encouragement

    • 5.2: Key Terms and Concepts Summative Assessment

    • 5.3: Dive Deeper

    • 5.4: Social Analysis Critical Consciousness Forum and Co-Collaboration

    • 5.5: Self-care Choice Board

    • 5.6: Critical Reflection and Research

    • 5.7: Course Exit and Evaluation